The patient was a 65 year female, operated case of Mitral valve replacement with 25 mm SJM Epic in 2012 no having Severe Mitral Regurgitation with LVF. The patient was stabilized and then after undergoing complete workup underwent the TAMI procedure on 07/02/2019. The team of Dr. K.G. Deshpande Memorial Centre comprised of Dr. P.K. Deshpande (Cardiac Surgeon), Dr. Prashant Vaijyanath (Cardiac Surgeon), Dr. Gopal Murugan (Cardiologist), Dr. S.K. Deshpande (Cardiac Anaesthetist), Dr. Swapnil Deshpande (Cardiac Surgeon), Dr. Vikas Bisne (Cardiologist), Dr. Jyoti Panhekar (Anaestheist), Dr. Dilip Gupta (Surgeon), Dr. Prabhakar Deshpande (Physician), Dr. Maneesha Deshpande (Physiotherapist), Dr. Uday Paradkar (Assistant Surgeon), Mr. M.K. Deshpande (Perfusionist), Mr. Irshad Ahmad (Perfusionist), Mr. Atul Sarode, Miss Kanta Sharma, Mr. Sunil Marape, Mr. Dilip Nagrale, Mr. Baba Chandrikapure and the whole Team of Dr. K.G. Deshpande Memorial Centre was part of this whole activity.